OKIN collaborates with E-Food 4.0 to digitize its production

Through the project "E-Food 4.0", OKIN will initiate the digital transformation of the productive processes and the generation of new products to adapt to the demand of the market and the consumers, who ask for quality, healthy, safe and affordable food.
Today, the new information and communication technologies (ICT) and the generalization in
the use of the Internet has revolutionized the way products and services are manufactured and marketed.
Industry 4.0 has succeeded, thanks to these technologies, in digitizing and automating all
productive processes so that resources, both natural and human, are used much more efficiently. It's about creating smart, adaptable companies and to establish new business models based on cooperation of all the actors involved in the value chain, connected in real time.
Within this framework, knowing how to properly manage change to industry 4.0 and take advantage of the new opportunities it offers are essential.
This is the understanding of nine Basque companies related to the field of food and technology, which have decided to collaborate in the E-Food 4.0 project to radically improve in terms of intelligence, efficiency and sustainability.
Angulas Aguinaga, UVESCO, Termopan, OKIN, Eurobanan, Ameztoi, Inser Robótica, Biolan and Ausolan, are the companies taking part in this project, promoted by the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government and financed with European Union ERDF funds.