Okin discusses the triple certification in ISO 14001, 45001, and 50001 in El Diario Vasco

The triple ISO certification validates Okin's commitment to quality in environmental management, energy management, and occupational health and safety.
A pioneer in its sector. That's Okin. The food company from Gipuzkoa is the first to achieve triple certification in ISO 14001 for environmental management, ISO 45001 for occupational health and safety, and ISO 50001 for energy management. Agustín del Canto, CEO of Okin, states, "We are proud of all the work we have done, and we want to share this with the world. This triple certification is our message." It marks a new milestone in the history of a family-owned company located in Zumaia, founded in 1994, which has grown over the years. Now, almost three decades later and as part of the Gourmet Okin group - a division of the Indaux group focused on food - it is a reference in the industry with two production plants totaling over 12,000 square meters across six lines, five in Zumaia and one in Salvatierra, and approximately 220 employees.
As a leader in frozen rustic bread in the region, it has a production capacity of 90,000 tons per year, with 80% of orders being delivered through just-in-time flow throughout Spain. Its nationwide presence is so significant that it ranks in the top 5 among bread manufacturers in Spain by volume. Continuous improvement is one of the goals of the Gipuzkoan company, leading to its pursuit of ISO certifications that endorse excellence from multiple perspectives. This demonstrates "another example of Okin's commitment to customer satisfaction, its people, and sustainable development, aligning with the needs and expectations of stakeholders in the value chain and its environment."
Because, as Agustín del Canto explains, "due to our own business model, efficiency has always been in Okin's DNA. Until a few years ago, we understood efficiency as the elimination of all costs that do not add value to the customer. This model is correct, and it has brought us to where we are... a satisfied customer who pays a fair price for the value received is a winning recipe for creating a sustainable business. However, for a few years now, companies have wanted to transcend our own walls, and we have become aware of our environment, the positive or negative impact we have on it, and our mission and purpose for the planet, which goes beyond the short term. That is why we have redesigned the concept of 'Okinian' sustainability, defining it as the elimination of anything that does not add value, or even has a negative impact, on our customers, suppliers, employees, and environment."
Three complementary certifications Okin has taken a giant step in its pursuit of excellence with three complementary certifications. ISO 14001 for environmental management reinforces the success of sourcing 100% of electrical energy from renewable sources since 2019: "It demonstrates OKIN's commitment to optimizing resources and excellent environmental performance, leading to increasingly sustainable management."
On the other hand, the ISO 45001 standard guarantees that a strong culture of preventive health and safety is fostered at Okin. The CEO of the Gipuzkoan food company explains that "since 2014, the number of risk-related communications made by employees has doubled, from 66 to 134 per year. Through the implementation of these corrective actions, we have managed to reduce 29.3% of workplace accidents and 86.36% of occupational diseases."
The icing on the cake is ISO 50001, which advocates energy efficiency, particularly relevant in today's times, and is "one of the most demanding and required standards nowadays given the socio-economic circumstances we find ourselves in." To achieve this, "at Okin, we strive to establish priorities for reducing energy consumption correctly, which has allowed us to achieve reductions in CO2 emissions and other pollutants." These are three steps confirming that the pursuit of excellence is a constant at Okin. Approaching its 30th year of existence, the demand for quality and exceptional performance remain the hallmarks of the Zumaia-based company, whose initiatives are closely aligned with the fulfillment of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
Complete article on https://www.diariovasco.com/suplementos/empresas-gipuzkoa/