OKIN receives a grant from the SPRI Group's industrial cybersecurity programme.

OKIN has received a grant from the SPRI Group's industrial cybersecurity programme, which for the last three years has had the Basque Cybersecurity Centre (BCSC) as the driving force behind the Basque cybersecurity ecosystem and therefore also this financial support programme.
The aid from the SPRI Group's industrial cybersecurity programme has been aimed at adapting the infrastructure for the industrial securitisation of "the organisation of the machines we have in the plant. It is about to be finished", explains Ion González, Head of Systems at Okin. The factory is highly automated, with around ten robots that, for example, work almost without human personnel when packaging bread.
More about SPRI:
SPRI is the entity of the Basque Government's Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment to promote Basque industry.
SPRI's 2021 Management Plan has as its general framework the Programme for the Economic Revival and Employment of the Basque Country (2020-2024), BERPIZTU, and the plans that will be defined from it. The programme is structured into two vertical axes: a first axis of economic reactivation and a second axis of employment dynamisation, and its axes, in turn, are deployed in 12 action policies, which constitute the reference framework for different measures and instruments in terms of recovery and stimulation of the economy and employment, to be developed until 2024. In addition, a third transversal axis is incorporated: The quality of employment and gender equality.
BERPIZTU, in addition to being a reconstruction programme integrated in a Global Country Strategy, "Sustainable Human Development", contributes to the fulfilment of the United Nations "Sustainable Development Goals 2030" and the Euskadi Basque-Country Agenda 2030 and is aligned with the European Fund "Next Generation EU".