OKIN works hand in hand with the consulting firm People Matters to implement a professional development model of teamwork.
The aim of the project carried out with the People Matters consultancy was to establish an internal learning management system in an objective, orderly, transparent and well-known way. This system will allow OKIN to move towards an organisation that learns and works as a team, while promoting a culture in which people feel listened to and valued.
This challenge has materialised with the implementation of a management system in which the 6 CORE OKIN competences have been identified. The competencies have been graduated in their performance levels, so that the way to value the organizational learning is tangible.
The basis of this result is that the internal knowledge incorporates, in addition to technical knowledge, the understanding of the skills that each person has to deploy to achieve excellent organizational results.
"This is a cultural change, to become an organization that talks and develops in an informal way to an organization guided by conversations". Generosa Cerviño, HR Director at Grupo Gourmet Okin.
Project developed with the help of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa